Back to Basics

It’s time to get back to something I started a few years ago; minimalism. I’ve reached my goal of having a home office for my foundational job, (the job that has insurance and PTO), and I teach online for two different universities; I don’t have to leave the house much. With that in mind I’ve decided that I need my home to be a happy peaceful place. A home without clutter is a good start. One in which when I leave for a trip or training that when I get home, my home will be a welcoming place to be. I currently live alone but have plans to change that in roughly six months; in the next six months here’s what I hope to accomplish.

The first thing I’ll be doing is separating what I can sell, give away, and trash. With various online marketplaces available I can sell everything from shoes I don’t wear to old sports cards and comics. I have many items that just take up space that can go; with that money, I can focus on adventures over items.

The next thing I’ll do is a floor-to-ceiling cleaning. The extra dishes will make the cupboards easier to clean. The closets will be less cluttered, and the storage areas will be low to non-existent. Once this cleaning is done it will make the house easier to maintain.

The last item on this list of minimalism is to make my outdoor space fun. I’m renting now, I don’t want to pretty up the rental too much but I do need a peaceful space. My fire pit and log rack, my garden and greenhouse, all of this is important to me and with the reduced clutter inside, I can spend more time outside.

Lastly, the overall reason to do all of this, to minimize my life is to be able to save money and use that money to travel, spoil my grandkids, and not worry about my jacket being ten years old or that my vehicle isn’t brand new. Life is what we make it; I want to make it simpler.

(TikTok @yooperminimalist)

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